Aug 31, 2022

Hospitality, the Saudi Way

Did you know Hospitality comes from the French word “Hospice” which means “Taking care of the travellers”?

Hospitality started back in the 1700s, locals would offer floorspace or spare rooms to travellers passing by so that they could get some rest and food. This eventually evolved into the creation of ‘Inns’. Soon after, luxury weaved its way into this concept giving life to the wonderful world of hotels as we know it. 

While the industry continues to evolve, one thing that always remains constant is that the customers’ needs always comes first. Guests are always treated like royalty which is also very true in our culture. Saudis are outstanding hosts known for their generosity; we love to make everyone feel pampered. To us, hospitality has always meant so much more than simply taking care of travellers. 

Here’s How:

A culture run on coffee

In Saudi, coffee isn’t just a drink! It’s an ancient tradition that shows generosity and care for visitors and has historically strengthened social bonds across remote valleys. Guess what else, it’s grown right here in the Kingdom. The most popular drink by travellers and locals is undoubtedly the “gahwa” (traditional Arabic coffee spiced with cloves and cardamom). And this year, the Ministry of Culture has officially declared it the Year of Saudi Coffee. 

It's a date

Another iconic symbol of hospitality in Saudi is a staple in every household and regularly offered alongside coffee to strangers and friends - dates. Saudi is actually the world’s 3rd largest producer of dates. A common saying is that a home with dates is never poor. Eating dates isn’t just good for morale, they’re also packed with health benefits – they can strengthen bones, promote brain health, improve digestive health, help to detoxify the body, improve skin, and improve heart health… the list goes on! You can thank us later. 

The feasts and the flavours

It’s all about the food! Saudis show how much we care through food. And lots of it. Whether it’s a banquet laid out by a local or a mind-blowing experience at one of our exceptional restaurants, you will never go hungry. Expect to be welcomed into homes with fruits, coffee, dates, and mint tea and be presented with elaborate feasts featuring traditional dishes such as Kabsa (spiced rice with chicken or lamb) and Margoog (Meat Stew with dough).

The what’s mine is yours

Generosity for Saudis does not end with just food, drink, and comfort. It goes beyond, common practice is to offer guests their personal belongings. When complimented their usual response is ‘Mgadam’ which means I will happily gift it to you.

Saudis love to show you, their world. From the ocean to the mountains to the caves, Saudi Arabia has it all and our native generosity means we couldn’t possibly keep these secrets to ourselves. 

Get ready to be greeted with warm smiles and the words ‘As-salaam Alaykum’ (Peace be Upon You’) and keep following Cool Inc to always be the first to know what’s cool in the Kingdom as we enter a very exciting phase of hospitality.
